Wow!!! Finishing the day of accessories for weddings is the hardest part of the wedding timeline. As many brides often don't have the info for the programs, or escort cards until 2 weeks before it makes it unbelievably stressful to get it all done by the wedding or 3 days before if they want to assemble themselves. However I get it done and the lack of sleep that I endure, something magical happens and I become SUPER COURTNEY WEDDING STATIONERY EXTRAORDINAIRE. Although I would like to totally blame my brides (hi girls- I still love you all to pieces...) I will have to say that I often underestimate my ability and time it will take to print these item. Maybe I am too nice and shouldn't allow any changes or require all wording 1 month before and no later?!? :-) Or maybe I open my big mouth with crazy ideas like:
1.sailboats for table numbers using cantaloupes for the boat and printing tear drop shaped sails that are put together with wooden dowels... which did go smoothly I hear, waiting to see some pictures...
2. Perhaps decoupaged table numbers on to wood.... which also turned out fantastic. see the pics below.
3.How about 2 musicians that are getting married and are trying to find a cool way to display the escort cards.... My solution: find and old stand up base and use clothes pins to attach the escort cards to the strings.... But that was impossible to do 3 weeks before the wedding, thus giving me even less time to print for the escort cards....
But again I am proud to have finished some pretty cool designs with not a minute to spare....
4. lets wrap wire and buttons around paper mache kraft numbers for your tables....what? you have 25 tables... okay... I'll do it... Again I have heard it turned out lovely and matched her invites and the rest of the wedding stationery and brought the fun theme all together. It was a little rustic modern.
I have a problem. I LOVE trying to find great ways to display the accessories which leaves me with no time as the bride and groom discuss easy ways to get my ideas executed.:-) This makes the wedding event coordinators love me even that much more (sarcasm) as I give the couples crazy ideas.... Crazy ideas are the best! I always try to be more then just a printer. I don't just print escort cards I figure out the best ways to display them. This goes with all my accessories. The detail is not just the design but how it will be presented.
Here are a few pics of the signs on wood.... I will take some pictures of the last few programs I did and put those up soon. Soon being probably a week.

The table numbers were the years they had been together. 12 years 12 tables. perfect. Each table # had a photo from that corresponding year, They wanted them to look like old blue note jazz record album covers so each one was all red, blue or green overlay... Here is only a picture of the 2008 as I had no time to take a picture of each year, having to deliver everything 10 minutes after I finished.... I made a seating chart to go along with it and fun drink and desert signs.