Busy bee's we are. We just finish our 5th destination wedding in a row last wednesday the july 21st. Starting in Keystone Colorado, on June 10-14th then off to Tahoe,CA 17-20th, then to Bali, Indonesia, June 22nd- july6th, then up the coast to Solvang, CA, July9th-11th, then to Kauai, Hawaii July 14th-july21st... we are tired but had a blast and now have to edit a million pics. I have a really cool invite to share with you all, just have to photograph it. :) Here are some pics from bali taken with my iphone and put through the infamous shake it app. :) They will be fun for printing small 5x5 prints maybe mounting on wood and making a grid on the wall. Bali is amazing and we can't wait to go back.
we got our clothes laundered and they were delivered back to us in these cute baskets!!

monkey forest.


love this: instead of a do not disturb it is just this little guy with is finger up to his mouth.

the room at the ALILA hotel.

bali coffee YUM!


this was actually the lock on our door :) Bali doesn't have much theft so no worries.

If you visit a temple you have to where the traditional dress. Erin looked so cute.

Temple offerings.

private black sand beach cove.

our own private bungalow.

view from the bungalow.

we drank lots of bingtang.

view from our last hotel room.